Welcome to my Garden Blog

Nature: wild & untouched. Photographing it, preserving it, taking walks and drinking in the landscapes as they unfold.

Gardens: touched by loving hands. Cultivated, nurtured. Drinking in those landscapes is wonderful, as well.

In my garden one enjoys some of both. Generally unpruned & wild, my plants reshape the garden as they grow.

Beyond the garden borders, natives from the Santa Monica Mtns await. Oak trees with their shady canopies. Cactus & Sage in the sun.

Always there are animal creatures to join in the fun.

I look forward to sharing some of my experiences with you as they unfold.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hawk Circles gliding effortlessly

It was the loveliest day yesterday in the 80's, instead of 90's. I sat on the backyard steps, watching a hawk gliding effortlessly on the breezes. Behind him a jet plane made its stiff flight.. unreal. Soft breezes made their way up the canyon to me. I let them wash over me & soaked in the dappled sun. So much life all around me. The heads of the Buckwheat dark brown now after Summer. The ground so dry. Everything waiting for the first rain. The long golden grass, matted down. My eyes adjust to take in the little houses on the opposite hillside far away..

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Wildflowers, Santa Monica Mtns

Wildflowers, Santa Monica Mtns